Sparklight Training Plan | BIO Girls Find Your Kind 5K


Find Your Kind 5K Training Plans


Thanks to Sparklight for sponsoring our training plan to inspire our 5K participants! Below you’ll find two 8-week options to train for our 5K: beginner and intermediate. But remember, this 5K isn’t just about the run. We encourage you to add to your training plan: Random Acts of Kindness! So as you train to tackle this 5K physically, train yourself mentally to consicously remember to show kindness to family members, neighbors, friends and strangers.

Train yourself to Find Your Kind!



beginner training plan:

Training Plans Easy.jpg


intermediate training plan:

Training Plans Hard.jpg

Prerequisite fitness required to do the intermediate plan: Run 1 mile without stopping.

Terms to know:

  • Strides: Strides help to improve running techinique and form, and help to prepare the body for faster running speeds. Strides should be ran at roughly 80-95% max speed. The speed is slowly reached through the duration of the stride, and only 40-50% of the stride are you running at 80-95% max speed.

  • Easy Effort: On a scale of 1-10, easy effort should feel like a 6.

  • Moderate Effort: On a scale of 1-10, moderate effort should feel like a 7-8.

  • Hard Effort: On a scale of 1-10, hard effort should feel like a 8-9.

  • Cross-Training: Any type of low or non-weight bearing aerobic exercise. Examples include: biking, elliptical, rowing, swimming.


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