Tools for their toolbox | BIO Girls & Wells Companies


BIO Girls announces Wells Companies as a 2023 Official Partner.

“Wells has been an integral partner as the BIO Girls footprint has grown across the Midwest. Their passion for the mental and physical health of pre-teen and teen girls is evident through their generosity and advocacy. We are incredibly grateful for Wells and their continued partnership in our mission.”

Missy Heilman | Founder & Executive Director

BIO Girls and Wells Companies impact many of the same areas across the region:

“The Wells Companies has been a proud supporter of BIO Girls since their first Giving Hearts Day in 2017!  Our values are in complete alignment which is one of the reasons we chose to partner with BIO Girls. Wells is a family-owned construction business that helps build landmarks in communities and many people on ‘Team Wells’ have families of their own.  As a father of two amazing young women who’ve participated in BIO Girls, I can vouch firsthand for the importance of fostering positive self-esteem, confidence, and mental health as cornerstones in a strong foundation for future success. Our partnership with BIO Girls helps us focus on young girls who will one day be young women making their own way in the world.  BIO Girls gives them ‘tools for their toolbox’ early on in life and helps them successfully achieve goals, pursue careers, and become leaders in their chosen professions and communities.”

Sam Nesius | Chairman, Wells Companies

We are so grateful for the support from Wells Companies as we continue to grow and reach more girls throughout the Midwest.

Learn more about Wells Companies.


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