Volunteer Highlight — Christie McFarland


Volunteer: Christie McFarland

Volunteering Since: 2021

Site: Drayton, ND

Meet Christie McFarland!

Christie is our Site Director at our BIO Girls Site in Drayton, ND. She enjoys building girls up, teaching them how to let their true self shine, and helping to give them the tools to grow into strong, kind women. We are so grateful for all she does for the BIO Girls mission.

We asked Christie a few questions about her involvement with BIO Girls:

What do you do for work?

“Stay at home mom.”

What is a realization you had from your involvement with the program?

“I've know for a while now that I wanted to play a role in helping young girls find confidence, focus on their strengths, to build positive relationships with each other and to learn to stand up for themselves. So being a site director for BIO Girls seemed like the perfect thing. Little did I know, I needed to hear the lessons and mantras just as much as the participants did. I wish so badly I would have had something like BIO Girls when I was a young girl. I'm really proud of what we are doing in our community and can't wait for this new season!”

Favorite lesson or mantra?

“My words are a reflection of my heart.”


Christie —

The BIO Girls team, the participants you have made an impact on, and the Drayton community sincerely thank you.



Ready to get involved?

Register for our next Virtual Lunch and Learn.
Tune in to learn from our team. We will cover:

  • The BIO Girls Mission & Why We Exist

  • Our Proven 12-Week Program & Why It Works

  • Site Director & Mentor Volunteer Roles


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